Diabetes and healthy eating have always gone together...in fact it is a critical consideration.
Healthy eating, combined with regular physical activity and weight control, is extremely important to manage diabetes.
People with diabetes should eat mainly high fibre carbohydrate foods such as wholegrain breads and cereals and vegetables and fruit.
They should also reduce their intake of fat, especially saturated fat.
Limiting the serving size of your meals is often required to maintain a healthy body weight. It’s also a good idea to see a dietitian who can help develop a healthy eating plan.
Healthy eating helps a person with diabetes to:
1. Maintain general good health
2. Control blood glucose levels
3. Achieve normal blood lipid (fat) levels
4. Maintain a healthy blood pressure
5. Maintain a healthy body weight
6. Prevent the complications of advanced diabetes.
No Special Diets Required..just visualize a plate in thirds....two thirds covered in vegetables and one third covered in protein!
Healthy eating for people with diabetes is no different than for everyone else. People with diabetes do not need to prepare separate meals or buy special foods, so relax and enjoy healthy eating with the rest of your family.
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