Monday, August 3, 2009
Green Tea Diet Pills and you...much to consider!
Green Tea Diet is standardized and tested to ensure that each tablet delivers the active. But the basic and best advantage of super green tea diet is that it helps in burning calories by promoting sugar and fat metabolism.
More than four thousand years ago, green tea diet has become a staple beverage for most Asians because of its countless health and medicinal benefits. It seems that each study yields more benefits of the green tea diet.
One of the benefits of having a green tea diet is providing a potential cure for cancer. Rather it’s about supplementing your diet with green tea so that you can receive the green tea weight loss benefits that go along with that.
Some people even call it weight loss tea as it has benefits including increasing metabolic rates and fat burning ability, as well as providing
antioxidants that help decrease free radicals in your body.
There are a lage number of remedial benefits of drinking Green Tea and research has confirmed that consuming a small amount like just one cup of Green Tea a day can greatly assist in weight reduction and fat burning. What you have to do is incorporate green tea into your daily diet, which needs to be a healthy and balanced one, for the benefits to really show.
In the US, there are over 20 million people with diabetes, equal to 7% of the population. Do you or a loved one have diabetes and need all the help you can get managing this condition.
Diabetes and excess weight are very closely related; the risk of diabetes increases with weight gain. Dietary supplementation with EGCG could potentially contribute to nutritional strategies for the prevention
and treatment of type 2 diabetes mellitus.
New herbal supplement product uses green tea and cinnamon for controlling diabetes.
Consult your doctor before you use if you have, or have had, diabetes, hypoglycemia, high blood pressure, ulcer, iron-deficiency,
osteoporosis, anxiety, depression, kidney, liver, or heart problems; gastrointestinal disorder, heartburn, gallstones, fever,
a bleeding disorder, if you are sensitive to caffeine, if you smoke or consume alcohol daily or if you are taking any medications
or remedies such as blood thinners, daily aspirin, asthma, cold or flu remedies; antidepressants, ulcer, antipsychotic or
migraine medications, birth control pills or stimulants. (is there anything you can have?)
Creating a green tea diet is not about going on a liquid diet where all you consume is green tea. If you want to jump-start your fat-burning ability, then Dual Action Green Tea Diet is the product for you.
The truth is that the astounding weight loss being achieved on the Green Tea diet is just one of the numerous miracle-like benefits of simply drinking Green Tea. A combination of this with the green tea diet is a successful and effective method for maintaining health and physique or also losing weight. The Green Tea diet is all natural and is healthful providing additional benefits to their body as well.
The effects it may have on the diabetic are questionable: make sure you check with your Doctor if you are contemplating using this process.
Friday, June 19, 2009
Diabetes and Diet Plans
Today, there is a wide range of diabetic diet plans. Many doctors and researchers have researched and created countless plans for diabetics. They try to aim for foods that will be tasteful, yet provide the proper amount of nutrients. We all know a diet is not any fun when the food does not taste great!
Recent studies have shown an increase in diabetes over the past 10-20 years. With the large increase, it has created a huge demand for diabetic diet plans to help diabetics battle the disesase. Since diabetes affects all types of people and diverse lifestlyes, many types of diabetic diet plans have been created to suit these varying types of individuals.
Despite the varying lifestlyes of many diabetic individuals, all have one common goal. That goal is to battle this disease with the help of a diabetic diet plan. With the proper amounts of nutrients, individuals can make progress against diabetes.
...and you should check out the phrase GLYCEMIC INDEX....
Saturday, May 30, 2009
Have Diabetes? Limit These 3 Types of Foods
Have Diabetes? Limit These 3 Types of Foods
By V. Bryant
If you just found out that you have diabetes you are probably struggling with your diet. It is so frustrating and hard to have to change the way you have been eating your entire life up until now. Not to mention just dealing with all your emotional aspects of being told you have this awful condition is hard to adjust to also. Now, changing your lifelong habits not only going to be difficult and challenging, but it will be lifesaving. Type 2 Diabetes is a disease that can be controlled to a greater extent by what foods you eat and which ones you avoid.
There are certain foods that you really must cut way back on or avoid altogether if you have diabetes. These foods can further damage your pancreas and affect the output of your insulin levels. Maintaining a strict diet can help regulate this disease so that it puts you back into control of your own life.
List of 3 types of foods to limit if you have diabetes
1. Fats are number one on the list because even though they may not cause your blood sugar to spike, they will affect your ability to lose weight. Since a person who is diabetic has a higher risk of heart disease, it is important to control the blood fats and prevent weight gain. However, there are good fats and bad fats. The bad fats to limit or avoid are:
- Fatty meats
- Fatty dairy products like cheese and ice cream
- Butter
- Fried foods
- Solid vegetable fats like hydrogenated shortening that are in cookies and other such snacks
- Egg yolk (only 3 per week)
Avoid so-called diabetic foods, they have way to much fat to make up for the lack of sugar
2. Sugar should only be limited, not eliminated. Everyone needs a certain amount of sugar to maintain proper body and brain functioning. The problem is, Americans eat way too much sugar in their daily diet and that really is contributing to the rise in diabetes in this country.
Limit sugar intake between meals
Avoid eating high sugar foods like candy, even high sugar fruit drinks
Only eat sugar that is a part of your meal, as in fruit salads, pies or puddings, etc
Eliminate all soft drinks, even diet soft drinks if you are able to
Avoid processed foods high in sugar
3. Salt should be watched. People who have diabetes usually have high blood pressure. As a consequence, you should limit your salt intake. Research has proven that too much salt in the diet is not good for people who have high blood pressure.
- Remove the salt shaker from the your table, replace with a product like Mrs. Dash all natural seasonings
- Slowly cut down on the salt you use when cooking food
- Avoid high sodium chips, cracker, canned foods and processed meats
For more information on what to limit or avoid in your battle with diabetes, visit:
Article Source:
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Saturday, May 16, 2009
Goji and Diabetes
People with diabetes are also two to four times more likely than people without diabetes to develop heart disease. In fact, 65 percent of diabetics die from heart attack or stroke.
Diabetes mellitus is a condition in which the amount of glucose (sugar) in the blood is too high because the body cannot use it properly. Glucose comes from the digestion of starchy foods such as bread, rice, potatoes, chapatis, yams and plantain, from sugar and other sweet foods, and from the liver which makes glucose. Diabetes is a disorder that affects the way your body deals with the foods you eat. Normally, carbohydrate foods are broken down into the sugar glucose, which travels in the blood (hence the name blood sugar) until it reaches your cells, where it is taken in and used for growth and energy. For this to happen, however, the hormone insulin must be present. Produced by the pancreas, insulin acts as a key that unlocks cells so that they can receive blood glucose.
Insulin works like a key to open the door of the cells so glucose – the fuel you get from food - can come inside and be converted into energy - cause serious complications and premature death. Insulin is vital for life. It is a hormone produced by the pancreas that helps the glucose to enter the cells where it is used as fuel by the body.
The main symptoms of untreated diabetes are increased thirst, going to the look all the time – especially at night, extreme tiredness, weight loss, genital itching or regular episodes of thrush, and blurred vision.
In diabetes, either the pancreas may produce insufficient insulin, or the body has lost its ability to use it effectively (insulin resistance). Glucose builds up in the blood, overflows into the urine, and passes out of the body without fulfilling its role as the body’s main source of fuel.
Two types of diabetes:
Type 1 diabetes develops if the body is unable to produce any insulin. This type of diabetes usually appears before the age of 40. It is treated by insulin injections and diet and regular exercise is recommended. Type 2 diabetes develops when the body can still make some insulin, but not enough, or when the insulin that is produced does not work properly (known as insulin resistance). In most cases this is linked with being overweight. This type of diabetes usually appears in people over the age of 40, though in South Asian and African-Caribbean people often appear after the age of 25. However, recently, more children are being diagnosed with the condition, some as young as seven.
Type 2 diabetes is treated with lifestyle changes such as a healthier diet, weight loss and increased physical activity. Tablets and/or insulin may also be required to achieve normal blood glucose levels.
The main aim of treatment of both types of diabetes is to achieve blood glucose, blood pressure and cholesterol levels as near to normal as possible. This, together with a healthy lifestyle, will help to improve wellbeing and protect against long-term damage to the eyes, kidneys, nerves, heart and major arteries.
Managing Diabetes: Begin with the ABCs
The National Diabetes Education Program suggests that you reduce your risk of heart disease and stroke by working with your health care team to monitor three critical factors, which they have named the Diabetic ABCs.
"A” is for the A1C test.
This is a number that shows how well your blood glucose has been controlled over the last 3 months. Bad glucose control can hurt your eyes, kidneys and feet. The goal for most people is an A1C of less than 7. It should be checked at least twice a year.
A 1998 research study showed that increased in blood pressure could be prevented significantly by goji’s master molecule polysaccharides. Polysaccharides are very long-chain sugar molecules that provide nourishment for macrophages, the large white blood cells which are an important component of the body’s defense system against invading microbes and the malignant cells which form tumors.
Four polysaccharides discovered in Goji berries have not been found in any other fruit. The Goji polysaccharides enhance the body’s production of human growth hormone (HGH), which helps build muscle and repair skin cells. The LBP polysaccharide complex unique to Goji berries has been found to be a powerful secretagogue - a substance that stimulates the secretion of human growth hormone (HGH) by the pituitary gland.
One research study in China showed that the LBP polysaccharide facilitated the proliferation of stem cells and increased the number of monocytes in bone marrow. The LBP polysaccharide helps the monocytes convert to matured leukocytes.
“B” is for blood pressure.
The goal for most people is 130/80. High blood pressure can cause heart attack, stroke and kidney disease.
"C” is for cholesterol.
Bad cholesterol (LDL) can oxidize and clog blood vessels, causing heart attack or stroke. Good cholesterol (HDL) helps to lower bad cholesterol. The goal for most people is LDL under 100 and HDL over 40.
Goji contains eta-sitosterol, which has been shown to lower cholesterol levels. Its antioxidants keep cholesterol from oxidizing and forming arterial plaques. Goji increases exercise tolerance, stamina, and endurance. It also helps to eliminate fatigue, especially when receiving from illness.
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Diabetics and High Carb Diets?
One diet consisted in a high-carbohydrate diet consisting of 55 per cent of calories as carbohydrate, 30 percent as fat, and 10 percent as monounsaturated fat. The other diet consisted in a high-monounsaturated fat diet deriving 40 percent of calories from carbohydrate, 45 percent from fat, and 25 percent from monounsaturated fat.
The research compared the effect of two same-calorie diets among 42 patients with type 2 diabetes, who consumed each diet for 6 weeks, with about 1 week between the two periods. These patients were invited to continue the second diet for 8 weeks more. Eight of them continued on the high-monounsaturated fat diet and 13 continued on the high-carbohydrate diet.
Findings after the first 6-week periods demonstrated that there were no significant differences between both diets in systolic or diastolic blood pressure, the upper and lower numbers on a standard reading, respectively, or in heart rate.
After the 8 week-extension, diastolic blood pressure was 7 points higher than at the end of both 6-week phases, because of the high carbohydrate diet associated, and systolic blood pressure was 6 points higher, and heart rate was higher by 7 to 8 beats per minute.
On the other hand, there was a significant lowering of heart rate compared with the end of the initial 6-week periods during the 8-week extension of the high-monounsaturated fat diet. There was almost no statistical significance between Systolic and diastolic blood pressure that were 3 to 4 points lower after 14 weeks on the high-monounsaturated fat diet.
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Wednesday, April 8, 2009
More Questionable Foods!
Wheat is the most common cereal used throughout the world for making bread. It is a good source of energy. With its essential coating of bran, vitamins and minerals, it is an excellent health-building food.
Wheat is usually ground into flour for use as food. However refined wheat flour constitutes a serious health hazard of the various processed foods being used today for their delicious taste, white flour (maida) is especially harmful.
The colossal loss of vitamins and mineral in refined wheat flour has led to widespread prevalence of constipation and other related disgestine disturbance and nutritional disorders, particularly diabetes. The consumption of white flour is thus an important contributory cause of diabetes, and its aggravation, if the disease has already developed.
White Salt
Common salt or sodium chloride is a major factor in maintaining the acid base equilibrium of the body. It is also essential for the production of hydrochloric acid in the stomach. Thus, while a certain amount of salt essential for the body system, it is required in very small quantities, ranging from 10 to 15 g per day.
Excessive use of salt puts extra burden on the kidneys, may cause high blood pressure, which is closely linked with diabetes. Excessive intake of salt promotes water retention in the body, which in due course may lead to obesity, which is a potent cause of diabetes. Too much salt is thus harmful and may promote or hasten the onset of diabetes.
Salt (sodium chloride) and sodium preservatives are added to most processed foods. A sodium-controlled diet must avoid or limit salted snacks; pickles and many others processed convenience foods.
Tea and Coffee
Drinking tea and coffee is a serious health hazard for the diabetic. The most alkaloid principle in both tea and coffee is caffeine. Caffeine is an addictive drug similar to cocaine in as much as it stimulates the central nervous system. While these effects are short-lived, it has been observed that they lead to withdrawal symptoms of irritability, lethargy, headaches and anxiety.
The daily intake of tea and coffee causes indigestion and gas formation, diarrhea, and constipation. They also increase the blood sugar level, which may lead to diabetes or aggravate its symptoms where the disease is already present.
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Friday, March 27, 2009
Berry Berry Good for You - Diabetes and Berries
As delicious as they are nutritious, fresh berries of all kinds are high in vitamin C, fiber, folic acid, and powerful phytochemicals that have been proven to reduce the risk for everything from heart disease to memory loss and cancer.Berries are also terrific to include in a diabetes diet.
While all fruit contains sugar in the form of fructose, at least two servings of healthful fruit should be included in your diabetes meal plan each day. The key to maintaining your blood sugar is to enjoy fruit (like all carbohydrate rich foods) in moderation and to use portion control.
Berries are a great nutritional bargain because in addition to being low in fat and calories, when adjusting for fiber they are the lowest carbohydrate fruits you can eat. This puts them low on the glycemic index (the rate at which they raise your blood sugar) – not only compared to most other fruits – but to many other foods, making it easy to fit berries into a carb-conscious diet.
A Handful of Great Berries
Of all berries, strawberries have the least amount of calories and the lowest carbohydrate density with a slim 45 calories, 11 grams of carbohydrate, and 3 grams of fiber per cup. In fact, according to the diabetic exchange list you may enjoy an entire 1 1/4 cups of sliced strawberries per single fruit serving. What's most impressive is that this serving delivers over 200% of your daily dose of vitamin
Luscious delicate raspberries are the high-fiber berry leader with a whopping 8 grams of fiber in every cup. With only 64 calories and 15 grams of carbohydrate per single cup serving it makes raspberries calorie per calorie one of the highest fiber foods you will find.
Blackberries are simply too good to resist. The diabetic exchange for blackberries is a 3/4 cup serving, but with only 75 calories, 18 grams of carbohydrate and 8 grams of fiber per cup, I say splurge and enjoy the whole cup! Blackberries also deliver 50% of your daily dose of vitamin C and are high in potassium which helps control blood pressure.
Last, but not least, July is National Blueberry Month – and blueberries definitely deserve their own month! A 3/4 cup serving of fresh or frozen blueberries contains only 60 calories, 15 grams of carbohydrate, and 3 grams of fiber, but far more impressive blueberries have more anti-oxidant power than any other fruit on the planet! Great for your eyes, memory and heart they are a true health bargain.
Six Sweet Ways to Enjoy Berries
Make a sundae by layering light yogurt and berries in your favorite parfait glass.
Sweeten cottage cheese with sugar substitute and cinnamon and top with fresh berries.
Add sliced berries to spinach for a delicious and colorful salad.
Blend together reduced calorie cranberry cocktail, frozen berries, and ice, for a terrific fruit freeze.
Blend together fruit, 1 % milk, sugar substitute, and ice for a great fruit "shake".
[Author: Marlene Koch, RD at:]
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Monday, March 23, 2009
Manganese, Magnesium and Chromium: food for thought!
- Manganese is vital in the production of natural insulin and therefore important in the treatment of diabetes. It is found in citrus fruits, in the outer covering of nuts, grains and in the green leaves of edible plants.
The loss of magnesium in diabetic ketosis has been known for many years. About 37 percent of infants born to diabetic mothers have been found to be lacking in this mineral. It has also been found that children aged five to 18 years with well-controlled type-1 diabetes have lows serum magnesium values.
- Magnesium also decreases the need for vitamin B6 and if it is increased in the diet, the amount of xanthurenic acid in the blood is reduced, even without vitamin B6 supplement. Moreover, magnesium is also necessary to active enzymes containing vitamin B6.
Blood magnesium being particularly low in diabetic, it may be reasonably inferred that diabetes can result from a combined deficiency of vitamin B6 and magnesium. It may therefore, be advisable for any person with diabetes or a family history of the disease to take the at least 500 mg of magnesium and 10 mg of B6 daily.
Magnesium is widely distributed in foods. It forms part of the chlorophyll in green leaves. Other good sources of this mineral are nuts, Soya bean, alfalfa, apple, fig, lemon, peach, almond, whole grains, brown rice, sunflower seeds and sesame seeds.
- According to Dr. Richard A. Anderson, at the U. S. Department of Agriculture’s Human Nutrition Research Center in Beltsville, Maryland, whatever the blood sugar problem, chromium tends to normalize it. Dr. Anderson believes that increased prevalence of type-2 diabetes is partly due to a deficiency of chromium in the diet.
Chromium has been found beneficial in the prevention and treatment of diabetes. Columbia University scientists, in a study reported in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition established chromium’s benefits for type-2 diabetes. They confirmed that chromium enhances insulin production in the body. Some other researchers have also confirmed that chromium helps stabilize blood sugar and increases energy.
Studies have also revealed that chromium supplements control total cholesterol and triglyceride levels and raise the good or HDL cholesterol. In some patients with impaired glucose tolerance, especially children with protein malnutrition, glucose tolerance showed improvement after they were given chromium supplements.
The recommended daily allowance of chromium is 50 to 100 micrograms. Some foods rich in chromium, besides broccoli, are whole grain cereals, nuts, mushrooms, rhubarb, Bengal gram, kidney beans, Soya beans, black gram, betel leaves, bottle gourd, corn oil, brewer’s yeast, pomegranate and pineapple.
[For more information and support go to:]
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Treat Diabetes with Natural Foods
Pycnogenol® which is a herbal supplement, derived from the bark of maritime pine grown along the coast of southwest France, has been shown to lower blood sugar levels naturally.
One study published in GENEVA, Switzerland in 2007, showed that Pycnogenol® delays the uptake of glucose from a meal 190 times more than prescription medications, preventing the typical high glucose peak in the blood stream after a meal. With in increase in the number of individuals being diagnosed with diabetes, there are a vast number of people looking for a natural treatment for diabetes.
Pycnogenol® offers just that. Not only does Pycnogenol® aid in lowering blood sugar levels, but it is also classified as an antioxidant. So individuals benefit from its neutralization of free radicals as well.
Cinnamon has also been used to naturally treat diabetes. Cinnamon which is derived from the bark of evergreen trees in the tropics has been shown to help with diabetes management. Not only has this herb which is commonly used to flavor deserts, been shown to treat diabetes, but it also helps to manage other health issue.
A component in cinnamon called hydroxychalcone has been shown to lower blood glucose levels, LDL cholesterol levels and triglycerides levels. Many times diabetics also have issues in these areas.
Antioxidants are natural substances that can neutralize free radicals. Free radicals are toxic chemicals capable of doing serious damage to cells and tissues. This damage can eventually lead to cancer and other diseases. Antioxidants have the ability to remove these dangerous free radicals from the body.
It has been shown that many people with diabetes have depleted levels of antioxidants in their bodies. Thus increasing antioxidants can aid in naturally treating diabetes by the lowering of free radicals and blood glucose.
Delana Cotton is an expert in the Health and Wellness field. She focuses on helping individuals who suffer from diabetes, pre-diabetes, metabolic syndrome and the complication associated with these conditions
For additional information on natural treatments for diabetes, grab your free report by visiting
[Article Source:]
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Sunday, March 15, 2009
Diabetics Need to Control Food Intake!

If you are like me you probably thought diabetes is one of those things you have or don't have; nothing could be further from the truth because diabetes is now the biggest threat to health in the developed world and we are eating ourselves into it because of poor diet.
First question is how prevalent is diabetes?
Using Australia as an example that has a total population of around 20 million inhabitants, in the last full year official figures show 70,000 people were diagnosed with diabetes during the year. That is equal to one extra person diagnosed every seven minutes 24/7.
At present 700,000 people are diagnosed with having diabetes and a conservative figure indicate that for each person diagnosed there is another that is not diagnosed but does suffer from diabetes. that is 1.4 million sufferers out of a total population of 20 million. - More than 5% and growing by the day. The organization Diabetes Australia forecast that by the year 2010 the number of sufferers could be close to 10% of population. This rate of increase is happening throughout the developed world and is caused by lack of exercise and poor diet. We could be quite cruel here and say that people are queuing to shorten their lifespan because diabetes does reduce your lifespan.
The answer to this epidemic is in the hands of each of us. We must exercise more and be more conscious of what we eat. Attention to diet should start from a very young age; in particular we should concentrate on serving sizes and avoiding fatty foods. Yes that does include every child's favorite burger and fries. Once a month does little harm if the children are active, once a week causes damage even if they are active.
We all need to be conscious of seven servings of fruit and vegetables each day in our diet and also the need to back a good diet with reasonable exercise, like walking. People most at risk of type 2 diabetes, the most common, are overweight and do not exercise. They may have high blood pressure and/or high cholesterol, if you fit this category ask your doctor to check for diabetes next time you visit.
I saved the scariest fact for last: The total number of people in Australia with diabetes or "pre-diabetes" is 3.2 million or 15.1% of the total population. Each of these people will have a reduced lifespan.
[Our thanks to David McCarthy for this article.]
Diabetes: the basics of eating healthy!

Diabetes and healthy eating have always gone fact it is a critical consideration.
Healthy eating, combined with regular physical activity and weight control, is extremely important to manage diabetes.
People with diabetes should eat mainly high fibre carbohydrate foods such as wholegrain breads and cereals and vegetables and fruit.
They should also reduce their intake of fat, especially saturated fat.
Limiting the serving size of your meals is often required to maintain a healthy body weight. It’s also a good idea to see a dietitian who can help develop a healthy eating plan.
Healthy eating helps a person with diabetes to:
1. Maintain general good health
2. Control blood glucose levels
3. Achieve normal blood lipid (fat) levels
4. Maintain a healthy blood pressure
5. Maintain a healthy body weight
6. Prevent the complications of advanced diabetes.
No Special Diets Required..just visualize a plate in thirds....two thirds covered in vegetables and one third covered in protein!
Healthy eating for people with diabetes is no different than for everyone else. People with diabetes do not need to prepare separate meals or buy special foods, so relax and enjoy healthy eating with the rest of your family.
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Diabetic Diets: Three fruits to consider!
This popular sub-acid fruit one of the most valuable of all fruits, has been found beneficial in the treatment of diabetes of its rich pectin content. Pectin is a natural therapeutic ingredient found in the inner portion of the rind and the pulp. It aids in detoxification of the body by supplying the galacturonic acid needed for the elimination of certain harmful substances. This food element reduces the body’s insulin requirements by approximately 35 percent.
The apple is also considered valuable for those in depression. The various chemical substances present in the fruit, such as Vitamin B1, phosphorous and potassium, help the synthesis of glutamic acid, which controls the wear and tear of nerve cell. This fruit acts as a very effective tonic and recharges the nerves with new energy and life.
2. Grapefruit
The grapefruit occupies a high place among citrus fruits because of its favor, its appetizing properties and its refreshing qualities. It is a well-known authority on nutrition, believes that it is a splendid food for diabetics and if this fruit were taken more liberally, there would be much less diabetes.
According to Dr. Riley, any person suffering from high blood sugar should take grapefruit three times a day. A person who does not have high blood sugar, but a tendency towards it, and wants to prevent it, should also use the fruit three times a day. Simultaneously, consumption of starches, sweets and fats should be reduced and diet made rich in fruits, vegetables and juices.
Two weeks of this grapefruit rich diet will bring down sugar level in individuals not taking insulin. In those who take insulin regularly, it takes longer. [...but beware of interaction of grapefruit juice and some medications!]
3. Jambul Fruit
The jambul fruit also known as rose apple is grown all over India. It too possesses anti-diabetic properties.
In the indigenous system of medicine this fruits is regarded as specific remedy against diabetes because of its effect on the pancreas. The fruit, the seeds and fruits juice are beneficial in treatment of this disease. The jamboline’ contained in the seeds in believed to check the pathological conversion of starch into sugar in case of increase production of glucose. The seeds are dried and powdered. This powder mixed with water, taken three or four times daily reduces sugar in the urine and allays thirst.
In Ayurveda, the inner bark of the jambul tree is considered valuable in the treatment of diabetes. The bark is dried and burnt, to produce a white colored ash. This ash is pestle in the mortar, strained and bottled. The diabetes patient should be given. The diabetes patients should be given about two grams of this ash in the morning on an empty stomach and two grams each in the afternoon and in the evening and hour after meals.
The seeds of the jambul fruits are considered beneficial in the treatment of excessive urination. The powder of these seeds in doses of one gram each, in the morning and evening is effective in controlling this condition.
For diabetes information, diabetes diet, diabetes treatment ordiabetes causes visit